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[英文] 自然风光英语情景对话 [複製鏈接]

4 a- j5 f( q( D! a* v9 a" Q  A:It's so beautiful here.
% m1 q% J) j  l5 U! ?( S6 K  A:这儿真漂亮。
5 B' ], `7 ~$ {0 d3 {( R8 ~  B:Yes, Hangzhou has always been known as"the earthly paradise".
7 j; E" u* W* D4 d$ w  B:是的,杭州一向被视为“人间天堂”。
7 ?% S( {8 y( U) G* H8 n( l. S  A:Let's do the West Lake first,OK?
& p- ]' O( w3 t5 \3 W  A:我们先去看西湖,好不好?( _  ]; l; j  r8 `  O0 V. E8 e
  B:No problem.# t) Q- F! n. W7 e3 H& [
& L9 x7 T! F  e" w3 n  A:Where are we now?- \6 _9 n2 R7 V
" `3 a* J* g6 r  B:Here is Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor.  X  O% k: c4 w6 C; H
4 B4 T+ K* t4 ^2 F) Y  h' `) f  A:Could we take a boat trip on the West Lake?) Z, Y4 {* p% L) {$ R- L5 [
5 G5 A" F/ d+ U. S  B:Of course. We'll see Three Pools Mirroring the Moon soon. There are three small stone pagodas rising from the lake. On the night of the moon Festival people place candles inside the pagodas. The reflections of the light imitate the real moon.
: s8 }& j7 e" z" i3 s  B:当然了。我们马上就可以看到三潭印月了。湖中有三个高出水面的小石塔。中秋之夜人们在里面放上蜡烛,烛光反射到水面上的影子,很像月亮的影子。
. _1 X# U  h; ]) ^6 Y  A:Wonderful!Are there any other resorts in Hangzhou?
4 h( Z: a9 u7 P' ~7 o  A:真妙啊!杭州还有别的景点吗?
3 k5 J" ^7 a" g+ O' I6 M  B:Yes, it include Lingyin Temple, China Silk Museum and China Tea museum and so on.
4 Y4 b8 x5 k) Z0 c( y  B:是的,还有灵隐寺、中国丝绸博物馆和中国茶叶博物馆等等。* n4 ]- d+ o8 e8 F8 \) p5 p
  A:When shall we go there?
. L1 u; B& w6 i+ n9 q  A:我们什么时候去看?9 k; h4 ~3 @  v
  B:What about going there now?  T+ u! M; O1 y4 ^' n3 A2 e% n
  B:现在就去怎么样?5 l0 l* z8 |" ]3 M; i+ Y% M
  A:Wait for a moment please. I'll take some photos first.
* F: x% X* ?" F& L: U2 P  A:请等一会儿。我先拍几张照片。' n, S# Q6 z* ]3 {% ~
! [: V+ Z/ \6 M# p  A:This is Jiuzhaigou.# n9 N6 h6 S  [/ D( ^" x
  A:这就是九寨沟。( \/ |: p, Q8 i; V; F% L7 T
  B:Is Jiuzhaigou a nature reserve?
7 C5 E( Y  C6 {' u  `% L  B:九寨沟是一个自然保护区吗?
( W# R' Y5 W! [. W* w  A:Sure. There are 15 nature reserves altogether in Sichuan. And it's one of them.
# d: ?* n& C1 _1 q$ g6 L  A:当然。四川共有15个自然保护区,九寨沟是其中之一。8 z7 w2 l, ^4 M, k  I
  B:Can you explain the name of it?/ n% q# r& i" }, W. ~; \
, o0 x( J: h" k  A:Certainly. Jiuzhaigou is named after the nine Tibetan-style villages situated in the valley.& l/ U* x0 }- z* {! E/ U
  A:当然可以。九寨沟因该峡谷中坐落着九个藏族村寨而得名。" J) [7 R% y: q0 p0 W' o3 j
  B:And what is the most typical scenery in Jiuzhaigou?7 C; z8 k! c9 A0 M
  B:那么九寨沟最典型的自然景观是什么?# Q/ I7 N( H4 E
  A:Well, it's most famous for its waterscape and virgin forests.
2 i7 {# N! b: l7 H/ ~7 W- k; O  A:嗯,最著名的是水景和原始森林。
9 ~, H) a1 `: X* p" u  B:Where shall we go first?( Z' A. m3 A: P% ]! a
3 K# ^* t2 |1 u6 W) f& {  A:What about the virgin forests?
9 W( \. H6 f7 z. D  A:先去原始森林怎么样?" K0 h) g9 r; Z4 V! i  H
  B:OK. Let's go.1 Z9 {8 ^7 t8 R& W7 d4 @
" x( `  P" f4 E6 K9 T  自然风光英语情景对话3:3 l# s" Q* Z7 e! v. k
  A:How do you like Wuxi?% p! S6 w% K8 x2 q4 b8 T& r
* b  N8 ~. U  T* \3 `* B$ S3 O( x  B:It's a charming place. And the best is Lake Taihu Scenic Area.( y* W6 A8 c' ]% B# L# A
6 N) w, R% D& d$ F3 z  A:Have you visited Lake Taihu?
6 s9 }. s2 [/ ]! q) `; j/ |' }% S2 n  A:你到太湖游玩儿了吗?
: O5 G+ N1 y) I+ {% k! d  B:Of course. I boated on it and reached several famous islets.$ _& d, k* ^- x9 _$ y, v
/ w0 l& ]5 q+ w' i' d6 Y* K% o  A:Islets?* T+ \8 v* h% E2 P0 b, _
  A:小岛?" v9 t. }# @0 X; r+ q5 ?$ {
  B:Yes,there are 48 islets there.
  K0 N! U8 ]. s$ Q2 d  v4 Q4 k  B:是的,那儿有48个小岛。
+ u/ N; y9 j8 G& d  A:It sounds so interesting.. Y  o1 z0 z: h2 D' E9 E9 `
  A:听起来太有意思了。' C$ w3 {6 ~) j) r- N) c9 y6 @8 V
  B:And I visited Turtle Head Islet, the most attracting scenery on Lake Taihu.
1 u2 A' i8 o% K, a  B:我还去了太湖最美的景点奄头渚。+ M4 `9 A# v) I6 S# `; R
  A:It must be more beautiful.
8 Q- R; z% }% ~9 j9 k  A:那儿肯定更漂亮。& x2 X! h+ i' U4 p
  B:Of course yes. You can go there while you are free.
1 h, p) v# Q" r/ i; M+ {3 O# q: M  B:那是当然。你有空也可以去那玩儿。; H+ v, f' M0 r& p2 _, T* J4 o
  A:Yes. I will.
: N/ G6 b3 W$ u7 j  A.是啊。我会去的。
/ ^4 h0 Z8 C, q: W- `/ }+ ^* W  自然风光英语情景对话4:8 A4 i1 k7 J) @$ x0 I# ]
  A:Jim,how was your holiday?
: d8 f7 |  H# b  A:吉姆.你的假期过得怎么样?
# P  L# l; c: D6 E/ v" I  B:I went to Tanggu with my friends and had a barbecue there.
  h& n' V- a$ ^  }- q  B:我跟朋友去塘沽玩了,还在那儿吃了烧烤。
# a& M$ x: ?* e7 v( l  A:That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go swimming,too?
: ]; u  x/ K. N3 ]. G  u  A:那一定很好玩。你们也游泳了吧?
4 F: T5 L! y% e2 B& `  B:Sure. I think it's a fantastic place to go.
% I5 A$ n) L1 M  B:当然。我觉得那是个好去处。
6 J! S, b0 r) y+ C& T  A:I couldn't agree more. That's an ideal place for a vacation.( u: i( G5 D/ _1 a- e8 |; a
  A:我完全同意。那是个理想的度假场所。- @) ?* O: l* S5 E' ?
  B:It sure is.: o2 X6 U2 c7 s0 E; j# C
  B:当然。5 C9 @+ z( p* Q4 R- n
  A:What a nice quiet beach!There are few people here.( I2 @8 i/ [* @# u
  A:多么优美宁静的海滩呀!这儿几乎没什么人。+ g+ q, v) s6 Q+ n5 r6 @% p3 k
  B:Let's put our things down.6 U8 ?% T; W% V' H
  B:我们把东西放下来吧。  }( v/ t* i1 ~6 \% x
  A:Look at those waves,Susan. It must be very exciting to swim there.
0 G3 c7 h& b$ q0 A. \  A:瞧那些海浪,苏珊。在那里游泳一定很带劲。. w$ b7 d, v. E9 u( _4 C
  B:But I don't swim well and I dare not swim so far.
1 l8 ]/ {! l  l/ G  B:我不太会游泳,不敢游那么远。/ G+ S5 A& U, ?# F
  A:That's all right. You can swim near the seashore.* h' ]% |& M0 F6 L  Y* K
  A:没关系。你可以在海边游。8 T* n7 z: e5 |$ Z0 M4 I
  B:Is it dangerous to swim here?
, D; Z; J" }% ]+ |! i  B:这儿游泳危险吗?: z& t8 s* K$ l3 B" x$ S3 ^9 N4 g
  A:No. The beach inclines gradually and you can always feel safe. Come on,Susan.
4 p! `# e5 o3 @  A:没有危险。海滩是渐渐往下斜的,你完全可以放心。来吧,苏珊。
. n/ V0 z" u. a& {; L  B:OK. I'm coming.' I- O6 t. n* ^0 W7 k2 Y) ^
  B:好。我来啦。+ V9 T, Z2 p) k% Q
  A.Is it fun to swim in salt water?
: z* E' K! i4 W% M0 E% s& _9 p  A:在海水里游泳快活吗?5 E( Z0 \' G/ @+ a/ u! A* z9 H' B  @
  B:Well. I'd rather have a seawater bath.
& o% \/ e8 u: V% ]& t/ B; r  B:嗯,我还是洗个海水澡吧。- I$ t0 m1 T8 c# t, z

# m1 Z# a5 ?+ ^/ r: V! }
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發表於 2017-6-10 11:09:04 | 只看該作者

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